Hello Neighbor!

We’re glad you found this expression of Jesus’ love for you!

We believe that you didn’t find it by accident! I know that sounds crazy,
but in the Bible there is a verse that says…

From one man he made all the nations, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he marked out their appointed times in history and the boundaries of their lands. 27 God did this so that they would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from any one of us. – Acts 17:26-27.

Imagine that even though it may be hard to believe! The creator of everything you see
chose the exact time and place where you would live.

That’s why we believe it is not an accident that you found this expression that shares with you the BEST News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ!
If you didn’t live in the time and place you live, you would have never run across it.

But You Did!

And then the Bible gives us the reason for your time and place…

That we would seek him and perhaps reach out for him!

That is our prayer today – that you watch the video below and
reach out and find him if you haven’t already.

If it has touched you in any way, please reach out to let us know.
It would be a blessing to us and maybe even a help to you!

After you watch the video below, CLICK THE BUTTON to let us know what it meant for you.

We would love to join you on your journey of faith!